The Action plan that had been chalked out by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to accelerate the pace of development of science and technology in the Member States, included initially setting up of six Inter-Islamic Networks in various fields of modern science and technology. Inter-Islamic Networks on Space Sciences and Technology (ISNET) is one of them, with its Headquarters located in Pakistan.
The decision to establish these Networks was taken at the Third Meeting of the OIC COMSTECH, held at Islamabad during November 19-22, 1986 under the Chairmanship of President of Pakistan and endorsed by the Fifth Islamic Summit held in Kuwait from January 26-29, 1987.
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) hosted the founding meeting of Inter-Islamic Networks on Space Sciences and Technology (ISNET) from September 30 to October 01, 1987, in Karachi, Pakistan.
Adviser to the Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Science and Technology inaugurated the meeting. The inaugural session was also addressed by Chairman SUPARCO and Director General, Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development (IFSTAD). The founding meeting was attended by nine OIC Member States viz. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iraq, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Türkiye.
Pakistan (Chairman SUPARCO) was unanimously elected the President of the Network.