

OIC’s Standing Committee for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) is responsible for promoting Science & Technology among OIC member states. Inter-Islamic Network on Space Sciences & Technology (ISNET) is one of its networks and was formed in September 1987. Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) was made its host focal point organisation. Since then, the Network has been tasked with the long-term function to promote space sciences, space technology and applications for peaceful purposes in OIC member states and to foster meaningful cooperation among them. Currently, ISNET has a membership of 17 Islamic States, namely: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Türkiye. The Network is open to membership of all OIC member states.

ISNET’s mission is as under:-

“Promote Space Sciences, Space Technology and their Applications for peaceful purposes in OIC member countries”


  • To collaborate and cooperate with OIC member countries in the peaceful uses of outer space
  • To exchange information, share experiences and maintain dialogue on the developments in space science, space technology and their applications among OIC member countries
  • To initiate joint projects of space sciences, space technology and their applications among the OIC member countries
  • To coordinate consultancy and advisory services among member states
  • To help and assist in training to develop the quality manpower of OIC countries (Organisation of periodic short and long term training courses, training workshops / on the job training)

Programme Elements

  • Organisation of topical seminars/ symposia with the help of suitable host institutions linked with the Network
  • Specialized training programmes at Network Headquarters
  • Identify / implement new projects of common interest to the OIC member countries
  • Provision of coordination for advisory services to OIC member countries
  • Conduct of research and specialized studies on selected topics with the help of consultants recommended from institutions linked with the Network

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