30th Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits: “Challenges and Capacity-building Opportunities for Emerging Space Nations”; 29 Sep – 1 Oct 2023; Baku, Azerbaijan
The United Nations, through its Programme on Space Applications implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) co-organized the Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits on the theme “Challenges and Capacity-building Opportunities for Emerging Space Nations”. The Workshop was hosted by Azercosmos, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 29 Sep to 1 Oct 2023 in conjunction with the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), and it was the 30th in its series.
The objective of the UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits is to provide, year after year, a unique forum for discussions among space experts, decision makers, representatives from the academic community and private industry representatives.
The purpose of this year’s Workshop was to bring together people who are conducting capacity-building activities, from either government, space agencies, research institutes, academia, non-governmental organizations, and those who are interested in building partnerships to accelerate capacity-building in developing nations about using space technologies and applications for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
The Workshop aimed at facilitating exchanges on space science, technologies, applications and exploration in support of economic, social and environmental development with a focus on inclusiveness as an underlying factor in sustainable development.
Abstract of Administrator ISNET titled as “Capacity-Building Activities in OIC Region Through ISNET Fora” was accepted for UN sponsorship at the Workshop.